About us

Welcome to PKC


PKC Kudiraipanjan estate was originally started in the late 1878.

PKC Kudiraipanjan estate was originally started in the late 1878 by British men (James Fedarick mac Fairlan), later he sold it to a British men (Alexander cherry) and then later bought by the (PKC FAMILY) In – 1975.
PKC means Palani Kandasamy Chettiyar our great grant father. He is the man who came to Shevaroy hills in 1923. He used to take fruit contracts in many estates from British Men. It has been 100 years now. After him our 3 grandfathers continued with the same hard work. After some years they bought an estate of their own in 1975,which is PKC KUDIRAIPANJAN ESTATE.
Now we are 3rd generation continuing the legacy and taking care of our estate and producing some of the finest single estate specialty coffee.